Brain Coach Blog

Brain-boosting blogs from executive function coach Mary Turos


Can Neuroscience Really Impact Learning and Behavior?

  Welcome to BrainCog! Where we Support Learning and Success.   After spending more than 20 years in education, teaching, coaching, and training teachers and business leaders, I have noticed that learning and success (or not learning and defeat)...


You Should Have Your Head Examined! The Wonders of Neuro Technology

  Admittedly, I have a love-hate relationship with technology. I enjoy using my smart phone and all the apps, but I have been known to cause computers, printers, and a robot or two to go haywire (maybe it’s my...


What Are Executive Functions?

I have Executive Functions? I hear this question a lot from families and individuals. Misinformation and misunderstanding can blur the impact of a diagnosis of "Executive Function Disorder", "Executive Dysfunction", "Deficiency in Executive Functions", or whatever term a doctor/clinician...


We Are a College Prep School. We Do NOT Make Accommodations!

Yes, this heading is an actual quote from an administrator from a "prestigious" high school in the area. Sadly, I have heard this statement from several school personnel over the years. I just got off the phone with a...


New Year’s Resolution, Take 2

Since 60% of us have already trashed our New Year's resolutions for 2013, today seems like a good time to talk about goal-setting. Ugh. Yuck. Groan. Reject inertia, and let's get started! First, let's discuss why most people fail...


Did You Ask a Good Question Today?

Did you ask a good question today? Well, did you? In our daily interactions with ourselves, with others, or the world around us, we consciously and subconsciously form questions and sometimes answers. Questions range from "What do I want...
