Can Neuroscience Really Impact Learning and Behavior?



Welcome to BrainCog! Where we Support Learning and Success.


After spending more than 20 years in education, teaching, coaching, and training teachers and business leaders, I have noticed that learning and success (or not learning and defeat) follow similar patterns of behavior.

Once an individual learns to "unlock" his or her brain, set clear, measurable goals, and train the brain into success, no obstacle can deter that individual.

But for too long, education has been stymied by traditional "philosophy" rather than true science.

A learning method that works for you may not work for me, even if we have the same IQ, background, and learning environment. But what happens in traditional learning settings? If the new superintendent dislikes a program, he or she throws out the entire program–even if parts of it worked– and replaces it with the next "new philosophy".

As a society, we have to break free from the "one size fits all" approach to education. But how do we do it? How can we implement brain-based learning into our lives? How can we make gradual changes in our lifestyles to positively impact learning and the fear of success? (Yes, the fear of success.)

This blog serves as a conduit between research and PRACTICAL practice within the school, home, or workplace. I intend to present research in clear, easy-to-understand terms, so that individuals and organizations can benefit from information. Most of my ideas are no, or low cost.

I welcome questions and feedback; this is a collaboration and my small part in helping others understand how their brains work and to use them to the best of their abilities.

Neuroscience and understanding the brain

Why do kids and adults today seem to have so many attention/focus challenges, and can neuroscience really change the way we interact with each other?

Until quite recently, science had little to offer regarding inappropriate behaviors or how to deal with them. Researchers made educated guesses based on observations, which wasn't always the most objective way to gather data.

Now technology allows researchers to observe the brain's electric and magnetic waves, and brain imaging may offer the best opportunity in understanding how the brain controls behavior.

In my next post, I will discuss the technologies that study brain structure and the technologies that study brain function.

Make it a successful day!