Educational Resources

Mary's Recommended Reading List:

The Price of Privilege: How Parental Pressure And Material Advantage Are Creating A Generation Of Disconnected And Unhappy Kids by Madeline Levine

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The Primal Teen: What the New Discoveries about the Teenage Brain Tell Us about Our Kids by Barbara Strauch

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Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

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What to Do When Your Brain Gets Stuck: A Kid's Guide to Overcoming OCD by Dawn Huebner

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Why Smart Kids Worry: And What Parents Can Do to Help by Allison Edwards

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The Myth of Laziness by Mel Levine M.D.

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Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason by Alfie Kohn

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Raising Your Spirited Child: A Guide for Parents Whose Child Is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, and Energetic by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

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How To Talk So Kids Can Learn: by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish

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The Anxious Brain: The Neurobiological Basis of Anxiety Disorders and How to Effectively Treat Them by Steven M. Prinz M.D. & Margaret Wehrenberg Psy.D.

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Getting Grit by Caroline Miller. The differences between stubborn grit and authentic grit, which is what we want our kids to cultivate?

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Joy, Happiness and Mindfulness : 35 Daily Reflections for a Calmer Life by Shamena Maharaj and Elif Dincer Ambelez. 35 day journey will help shape your life by identifying experiences and people important for you to live your authentic life.

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Getting Started:

Schedule an initial 30-minute call with Brain Coach Mary Turos to determine if you and BrainCog are a good fit. This call is free. Schedule here or call 844-BRAIN60.

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