Brain Coach Blog

Brain-boosting blogs from executive function coach Mary Turos


When Setting Goals Undermines Achievement

  Ok, we're officially more than a third of the way through the new year. How are you doing with your goals? Have you given up on them? Modified them? Pretending like you never made them? Setting your sights...


Sleep is the Foundation of Good Health

  Sleep truly is the foundation of good health, both mental and physical health. In 2016, after almost a decade of getting bad sleep and always feeling tired, I convinced my doctor (and my insurance company) to give me...


UMD Brain Researchers Recruiting for Autism Study

UMD social connection study recruiting children ages 11-14 with an autism spectrum diagnosis We're sharing information about the University of Maryland Brain Study Group's upcoming autism brain study. UMD researchers are conducting a longitudinal neuroimaging study on social connection....


Nuns of Mankato, Minnesota

  Why do nuns tend to live so long and seemingly remember EVERYTHING? An ongoing study of nuns in Mankato, Minnesota, started in 1986, indicates that living with an optimistic attitude is part of the foundation of not just...


Brain Bite: Touch and Tickling

  A sense of touch is important for overall health and happiness. We have so many sensory receptors in the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis (the layers of the skin), each has a job, from detecting heat and...


The Cost of Interruptions

  Interruptions are more than just annoying. They're expensive. The cost of interruptions is high in both cognitive control and monetary costs. How many times do you think you get interrupted in your day? Either by others or your...
