Brain Coach Blog

Brain-boosting blogs from executive function coach Mary Turos


Einstein’s Brain – Think Outside the Jar!

Albert Einstein was born March 14, 1879. When he died in 1955, his wish was to be cremated, and that included his brain. However, the pathologist who performed the autopsy disagreed, and secretly removed Einstein’s brain and took it...


Navigating the Winter Doldrums

The Oxford Dictionary defines ‘doldrums’ as a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or depression. This time of year, as February approaches, we’re reminded just how blah those winter doldrums can make us feel. Especially for those of us...


Signs of executive function challenges in students

When students fall behind at school, it's common for their behavior to change as well. Every child has unique circumstances, but we see consistent patterns among students brain behavior. Here are some common signs of executive function challenges in students:...


Signs of Executive Function Issues

Signs of Executive Functions in Teens and Young Adults   What are the signs of executive function issues and how do they differ from ADHD? Often a child or young adult who is struggling academically or with behavior may...


What is high-functioning anxiety?

Allow me to introduce you to a person with high-functioning anxiety. Me. So what does high-functioning anxiety look like? Well, it can look like anything or nothing. Last month, it was a full blown anxiety-attack. On a day where...


Brain Study For Children With Autism

University of Maryland studying behavioral and brain responses in children with autism   UMD Brain Study Group asked BrainCog to share information about an upcoming autism brain study. A team of researchers at the University of Maryland are conducting...
